Support Us

We are living in very uncertain, difficult and challenging times for schools and services. Along with all services under the public sector umbrella, we are facing significant cuts and constraints on our budget. For Linden Lodge and Wandsworth Sensory Support Service the budget we are allocated is spent on the basics to meet our children’s needs. The vast majority of the budget is spent on staffing, as our dedicated and experienced staff team is our most valuable resource for our young people.

Our fundraising provides the additional and exceptional resources over and above the basic budget. It is not a ‘fill in’ for the school budget. At Linden Lodge School we believe in innovation and cutting-edge provision, striving for excellence and continually raising the bar and our aspirations for our young people and their families. Fundraising will fund innovative and ambitious projects, including advanced communication technologies, so that all of our children benefit and receive the best possible support and access to learning and care across the organisation.