The Alba Centre

In September 2012 The Alba Centre was opened by Jan Van Dijk-a pioneer in the education of deafblindness, including expert practitioner, researcher and advocate in the field.  The Alba Centre is a specialist deafblind provision within Linden Lodge School that offers comprehensive education to children and young people from age 2-19 across all curriculum pathways in school.  Many of our older students also participate in our residential provision, Richley House which enhances their independence and overall educational experience and reinforces their learning through consistency. 

The Alba Centre incorporates a total communication approach where any and all means of communication that works best for each student is supported which may include any or all of the following: sign, spoken language, written language, braille, pictures, objects, gestures, and low or high tech augmentative communication systems.  


The specialist unit is purpose built with sound dampening to the whole of the unit including soundproof doors and carpeted spaces, individual work stations, a kitchen, a sensory integration room, a sensory dark room, including a sound proof audiological booth which is fully equipped with VRA equipment and audiological testing equipment.

With the child at the centre of all we do; there are individualised timetables/calendar systems and Careplans created for each student to meet their individual needs.  The starting point for this is the baseline assessment results from the Specialist MSI curriculum that is followed within the Alba Centre. The curriculum is divided into eight domains of learning, these domains of learning are mapped across to national curriculum subjects and in line with the EHCP headings. 

We currently have three classes within the Alba Centre our staff include: MSI qualified teacher, Teacher of the deaf, QTVI,  Speech and language therapist, Occupational therapist, Physical therapist, habilitation officer, intervenor, 1:1 support staff.  Within the student’s individualised timetables there are sessions in Art, PE, Music, Swimming, Food tech, Yoga, Massage, which are taught by specialist teachers.