Safeguarding at Linden Lodge

The Governors and Staff of Linden Lodge School fully recognise the responsibilities and statutory duty placed upon them to have arrangements in place to safeguard and promote the welfare of all pupils at the school. We recognise that all staff, including volunteers, have a full and active part to play in protecting our pupils from harm.
The Governors and the School’s Senior Leadership Team will review safeguarding practices in the school on a regular basis in order to:

  • Raise the awareness of all School staff and volunteers to the importance of Safeguarding.
  • Ensure that all necessary steps are taken to protect Linden Lodge pupils.
  • Ensure that every pupil who participates in any Linden Lodge activity should be able to do so in a safe and enjoyable environment and be protected from harm.

Safeguarding Team:

  • Sarah Norris –Co-Headteacher, Head of Safeguarding
  • Monika Gaweda– Co-Headteacher
  • David Shaw– Deputy Headteacher
  • Danny Sinclair– Head of Residential 
  • Magdalena Karpik- Head of Post 16
  • Harri Ashworth - Head of Therapy
  • Vicky Watson - Deputy Head of Care

The Safeguarding Team can be contacted via

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

Safeguarding Adults Policy

Safeguarding Supervision Policy 

Mental Capacity and Consent Policy

Preventing Extremism and Radicalisation Policy

Designated Safeguarding Lead Job Description
