Governors Terms of Office Details

Governors Terms of Office Details

                 CURRENT GOVERNORS

Governor Term of Office 

 Rupert Marks

24th June 2023 - 23rd June 2027

 Kieran Travers

 23rd November 2024 - 22nd November 2028

 Julie McLynchy

 25th November 2023 - 24th November 2027

 Joanna Johnson

 23rd November 2024 - 22nd November 2028

Winnie Williams 

1st January 2023 - 31st December 2026

 Libby Dawson 

1st April 2024 - 31st March 2028

Adam Ockelford

1st September 2024 - 31st August 2028

                THE FOLLOWING HAVE BEEN MEMBERS OF THE GOVERNING BODY IN THE                               LAST 18 MONTHS:

Elizabeth Buckley

Appointed on 1st September 2022

Resigned on 26th June 2023

Jennifer Lewis

Appointed on 23rd November 2020

Resigned on 26th June 2023

Daniela Zummo

Appointed on 26th June 2023

Resigned on 11th March 2024 


Contact the Governing Body

The Governing Body are very happy and willing to be approached or contacted by parents and carers to discuss relevant topics or matters of concern, particularly in relation to the strategic direction of the School. Please feel free to contact us in writing through the school office or by using the following email address, which will be monitored on a regular basis:

If you have a specific concern about your child or the school, we would urge you to take this up first with your child's class teacher, or the Unit Manager, if it is a residential matter, as they may well be able to satisfy your concern in a very short time, avoiding any delay caused by contacting the Governors first.

If the nature of your concern leads you to raise a formal complaint, then your first recourse should not be to the Governors, and we would request that you follow the School's Complaints Procedure, which can be found on the policies page of this website; this will ensure that the matter is dealt with appropriately.